Process Indicator SMIT 3015

- Accepts Analog Input: 4.0-20.0mA, 0-20 ma, 0-5 V, 1-5 V
- Number of Inputs Channels: Up to 4
- Four Keys membrane Like Keypad
- 5-Digit Numeric 0.56” Red LED display for Process Variable
- Operating at 100-263VAC
- Transmitter Power supply: +24VDC/50mA
- Programmable parameters: Zero, Full scale, Decimal position
- Non-volatile Memory for storing configuration parameters
- Calibration thro’ software
- Options:
- Retransmission: 4.0-20.0mA Isolated (Linear Proportional to Indication)
- Four Relays (5A/230VAC) for Alarm
- Communication: RS232 or RS-485 (2-wire), MODBUS protocol
- Mechanical Data: Mounting: Panel mounting
- Cutout size: 92 mm x 92 mm
- Outer dimension: 96 mm x 96 mm x 120 mm (Depth)
- Enclosure: Normal